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Which universities in Turkey can a foreigner easily enroll in?


The Government of the Republic of Turkey pays special attention to the educational system. Every year, functioning educational institutions are improved, and new educational institutions are also built. Universities in Turkey employ certified and experienced teachers, both local and invited specialists from other countries. To date, there are over 200 universities in Turkey. To a greater extent, they are located in Antalya, Ankara and Istanbul.

Which universities in Turkey can a foreigner easily enroll in?


Universities in Turkey for foreigners

Fig.1 Universities in Turkey for foreigners

The Government of the Republic of Turkey pays special attention to the educational system. Every year, functioning educational institutions are improved, and new educational institutions are also built.

Universities in Turkey employ certified and experienced teachers, both local and invited specialists from other countries. To date, there are over 200 universities in Turkey. To a greater extent, they are located in Antalya, Ankara and Istanbul.

It is worth noting that Turkish higher education institutions are among the top best institutions in the world. Graduates who have diplomas from such universities find a decent job in America and Europe. The education system in the Republic of Turkey is made in full compliance with European, world standards.

How to go to college in Turkey for Russians?

In most educational institutions in Turkey, teachers use Turkish, English, French or German, so there are absolutely no problems with admission and training for a foreign student. In the Southern country there are:

  • private and public universities;
  • Colleges;
  • Conservatory;
  • Academy.

The academic year consists of 2 semesters, as in many countries, and lasts from the beginning of September to June inclusive. Affordable admission to a university in Turkey attracts not only Russians, but also citizens of European countries and countries of the post-Soviet period. The cost of training is at an affordable level.

A special student exchange program is actively working in the Republic of Turkey. The key advantages of the Turkish education system are:

  • high level of teaching;
  • Affordable cost of training.

Also, foreign students are offered comfortable accommodation in a dormitory. Students from other countries are attracted by the mild climate of Turkey, magnificent nature and a great opportunity to relax in the best beach areas and parks in between studies.

As practice shows, many students after graduation stay in the country, find a well-paid job, buy housing and help their parents with moving.

Where is it easy to get in?

Before applying to the university, you need to choose an educational institution and study in detail the rules of admission and training. The process of choosing a Turkish educational institution depends on many factors:

  • existing citizenship;
  • specifics of the training program;
  • in what language the teaching is conducted.

Each university has a website that provides all the necessary information for foreign students and their parents. Most universities have quotas for the admission of foreign citizens, so there are no difficulties with admission.

Conditions and list of documents for admission of a foreigner to a university in Turkey:

  • Residence permit and student visa, which is issued at the Turkish Consulate.
  • Certificate of graduation from a secondary educational institution.
  • Knowledge of the Turkish language is desirable.

A foreign student who studies at a high level is encouraged by the Turkish government with a scholarship (about $ 200), free accommodation and health insurance.

The cost of education in state universities in Turkey is 1-2 thousand dollars a year. In private universities, the fee is much higher, but not much. Students who have free time have the right to earn extra money, but not more than 24 hours in 1 week.

The presence of a large number of privileges in Turkey for foreign students attracts an increasing number of young people.
