Business Valuation
How to open a business in Turkey
As in any country in the world, before opening a business in one of the existing niches in the market, you first need to study the statistics of the business, its capital intensity, both from the financial and organizational sides. And we are just helping our clients in conducting this market analysis. Only by studying the efficiency, profitability and costs in similar niches, you can plan your budget. Starting a business in an unfamiliar country without knowledge is 90% doomed to losses and even collapse.
How is the assessment of the value of the business and the company
- Conversation with a specialist of our company through a personal meeting or telephone conversation
- Designation of the timing of the provision of the assessment result in accordance with the specifics of the industry you are interested in in the Turkish market
- Discussion of the approaches and methods used in the work (the Specialist, in turn, may require you to provide general information about the location of the object and the purpose of its assessment, as well as the following documents: the company’s charter, registration data, information about licenses and activities of the organization)
- Analysis of the information received and calculations. We are guided not only by the information provided by you, but also check the available information from open sources: we study tax data in detail, as well as publications in the media and customer reviews. We evaluate intellectual property and its assets in detail, check documents for legal purity. Based on real market positions
- We make a forecast of the company’s future income and expenses, taking into account the funds you have invested.
The term of the assessment of your potential business in Turkey is carried out in the period from 5 to 10 working days.
Fill out an application on our website, and we will contact you as soon as possible and answer all your questions!.
Выгода сотрудничества с нами
Агентство Expert Property
Наша многочисленная команда профессионалов рада вам помочь в реализации любых планов в Турции — отдых, проживание, заработок, легализация (ВНЖ, гражданство). Имея за плечами успешный 20-летний опыт работы в этой отрасли, мы точно знаем как помочь вам так, чтобы сэкономить ваши деньги и время.
Узнать большерынка недвижимости Турции: 2 Квартал 2024