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Rest against burnout: 10 reasons to “recharge” internal “batteries” in Turkey


The calendar is inexorably counting down, reminding us of the time we have lost. Almost all the time that we wasted, not getting joy and satisfaction, we lost exactly what we lost. That is why the winter holidays are so important – this is the moment to sum up the results of the year and conduct a “self-audit” with an assessment of your achievements. At the same time, you should recharge your internal “batteries” in order to break into the new year with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.

What is “burnout”

Every modern person strives for success and prosperity. But it takes effort and time. Especially if you work and work, but success does not come. But even after achieving your goals, you have to fight to maintain this “height” and set new goals. As a result, many people do not give themselves rest for years, some for decades.

I myself love my work and leisure without calls and contacts can literally “stun” with its silence. You feel out of place, afraid that without your intervention something will definitely go wrong. If you are an entrepreneur – especially a successful one – you will most likely recognize yourself in these lines.

However, these are all signs of burnout and deformation – a person is so arranged that he needs physical and mental rest. Otherwise, he will begin to compensate for the achievements of one area at the expense of another. But we are whole individuals – we don’t want to lose anything. In addition, the body, which constantly feels fatigue, sooner or later will fail. We definitely don’t need it, because so much depends on us.

Through burnout, our body just asks for help. According to experts, there are five basic signs of burnout:

1) Decreased empathy. If you see that you have ceased to feel anything at the sight of those situations that previously caused you a storm of emotions, then you have emotional burnout. The stinginess of feelings suggests that the psyche thus compensates and mobilizes all your resources to maintain its performance – after all, emotions require a lot of energy.

2) Favorite hobbies and things do not bring joy. If that leisure time and those people who previously pleased you and could “charge” emotionally no longer “work” like that, then most likely you have burnout – the reason is all in the same saving of resources by the body and in apathy, which is a side effect of such an economical mode of existence.

3) Decreased self-esteem. You used to play tennis well, but now you don’t take it up because. Are you afraid of losing? Previously, you were sure that you would cope with any situation at work, but now this confidence has disappeared somewhere? You already know the answer – on a subconscious level, your body will protect itself by reducing your activity. Fears and apprehensions, incl. unfounded, this is one of these tools of “self-defense”.

4) Sleep and appetite disorders. Psychological manifestations of emotional burnout invariably lead to physiological ones. Among the first manifestations are sleep and appetite disorders. You become as if indifferent even to the food that previously pleased you, and sleep does not bring more of the freshness and rest that it gave earlier. Some reassure themselves that they were previously younger or that “everyone is like that”, but in fact your body asks for help in this way – do not ignore its calls.

5) Chronic fatigue. Without good nutrition and sleep, without emotional “recharging”, your body will continue to spend its internal resources, constantly depleting you. As a result, you will come to chronic fatigue, which will further aggravate all these symptoms. It’s not even worth talking about what comes in the next stages, because then you will have to deal with narrow specialists from medicine.

If you find yourself at least three of the five signs, then your body is already “screaming” about its needs. What to do next? Take up the “treatment” of course.

How to deal with burnout

Emotional burnout can be not only at work or in business, but we are business people, so we will limit ourselves to these topics for now. How to overcome it? The answer is extremely banal – through rest. But rest with novelty – the body must see that something has changed. Only by receiving new positive emotions will he get the best result.

Of course, you can try to use old approaches and hobbies, which, however, could not protect you from burnout – otherwise you would not be reading this article. The old approaches against the background of loss of sensitivity, if they work, then by 50% percent, and most likely even lower. And this effect will last much less.

The best way out is to completely change the situation. Therefore, there is no more effective solution than a vacation in another country. Moreover, it is important that it is a real rest, and not a “half-job”. According to research, only 3% of all professions do not allow a person to go “ahead” for at least a week – without work contacts and calls.

But this applies more to various presidents and special services, and in business it is necessary to actively distribute and delegate powers, to set up business processes in advance (!) so that they work autonomously. Do not forget that workaholism and the desire for super control are also diseases. Everything is good in moderation.

It is critically important to become emotionally aware that you are no longer working. That is, completely switch at least for a couple of days from work issues to something that gives you joy and relaxes. The ideal formula will be when you combine novelty and what previously gave you joy, before burnout dulled your feelings.

For example, you loved family evenings, but now the conversation is “not glued” because you are on the phone all the time, and strained conversations do not bring any joy? Move these conversations to another location and turn off the phones. My personal experience shows that a delicious family breakfast or dinner on the veranda overlooking the Taurus Mountains and the azure sea of the Turkish Riviera works flawlessly – you just need to feel it.

Do you like to drive a car, but it has become a chore? Rent it in another country and send it to picturesque places. If you live on the plain – go to the mountains, if in the mountains – to the plain. I think you understand the principle.

The fundamental point is that it is important not only to relieve the emotional burden, but also to remember the unique sensations, part of which are simple everyday moments. Let’s imagine that you decide to drink a cup of cappuccino at sunset overlooking the majestic ancient Istanbul. Now this coffee and this taste will be associated with this place and with these sensations for some time.

When it is especially important for you to rest in your homeland, then it will be enough for you to find a similar coffee, go out into the fresh air and close your eyes for a few seconds to mentally travel back to that wonderful time. Of course, it will no longer be a good rest, but it will give you and your body a little respite – in the conditions of the hard rhythm of modern life, even such a trifle can work wonders and affect your motivation.

If you are a leader and lead people, then problems with motivation in you lead to problems for everyone. So rest is not just entertainment and loss of time. This is also a kind of asset, or rather, work on maintaining your key asset – yourself – in a working and most effective form.

Practical advice

Rest, like fatigue, has different stages. If you want to really charge your internal “batteries” for a long time, then you should go through them all:

1) release from emotional burden – realize that you are not at work, that you are truly free, albeit for a short time;

2) relaxation – only by mentally letting go of working moments can you relax;

3) rebirth – you will literally physically feel that your body and perception are restored, you will again feel the joy of life, hobbies, food and sleep will again give you energy joy;

4) happiness – if you did everything right, then in the end you will feel genuine and sincere happiness, which should be remembered and recorded with memorabilia, photos and videos, because in the future it will help you emotionally return to these wonderful moments.

And then you will return to work not just with renewed strength and motivation, but also with a fresh look. In business, it is very important to see your company from the outside, to see all the processes as an independent expert. Moreover, after going through all these stages with your family, you will also solve several family issues, bringing communication to a new level – you will be a nice bonus.

I note that my personal experience and the opinion of all familiar entrepreneurs tells me one thing – there is no country for recreation better than Turkey. You can believe me, I know what to compare with – it’s not just that I moved here from the CIS. Because in Turkey, literally entire cities are specially adapted for rest and relaxation. It’s not just about hotels or tourist centers, but also about everyday moments that are simplified as much as possible for foreigners.

Even the mentioned car rental here is as easy as pie – it is not surprising that this market is actively growing and developing (by the way, if there is a desire, then we will help you enter this business – we have a ready-made business plan for the investor).

Many perceive Turkey solely as crowded beaches with noisy animators and all-inclusive dinners. But this is only part of the truth. The fact is that in winter the flow of tourists becomes much lower, because you can’t swim in the sea. However, the service and services do not disappear anywhere.

But before the New Year, there are sales (shopping is also a very effective therapy) and other entertainment, the hallmark of which is a passive quiet rest – ideal for emotional recharging without crowds and noise. And you can be sure that winter entertainment in Turkey is no less than summer – there are even ski resorts here, since the mountains are in abundance here.

It will be especially useful to relax in a villa near the sea or in a residential complex in the mountains of Antalya, surrounded by coniferous forests. In addition to recreation, the local atmosphere also gives a therapeutic effect, which is very important for those who have been ill, for example, with coronavirus – it is the respiratory organs that it affects.

However, the main layhack in this whole topic with burnout is different – in order to avoid it, you need to periodically change the location for work. It’s not about finding a new job, but about the conditions – remote work and the level of modern technology allows you to work from anywhere in the world.

This has already been felt by tens and hundreds of thousands of people who have massively begun to buy housing in Turkey specifically for wintering. In October alone, foreigners purchased 5893 residential properties in Turkey. In the Top-3 buyers were citizens of Russia, Kazakhstanis – in 5th place, and Ukrainians close the Top-10, as evidenced by the data of the Emlakkulisi service. Not without pride, I note that the contribution of the Expert Propety agency to these sales is also considerable.


Instead of the classic conclusion, I offer you a proven format that practically excludes professional and emotional burnout as follows: in winter, you work remotely from warm Turkey, being away from the leaden post-Soviet sky, frozen mud and ice, and return to your homeland in the second half of the year, taking over the operational management of the business during the most active business periods – spring and autumn.

At the same time, you periodically change the location for recreation – if you already have housing in Turkey, then it will simply be a sin not to visit it in the midst of the tourist period. It is the alternation of classes and locations, work and leisure, the preservation of novelty both on vacation and in everyday matters, that will not give your body and psyche a chance to burn out. The experience of thousands of people who, like me, made their choice in favor of Turkey and did not regret a single day, has also been proven by practice.

Take care of yourself not only in terms of physiology, but also emotionally, because most of the problems, as well as the achievements of our lives, have their roots in psychology. Mentality is important in everything, it is our asset and the key to success in business and in general in everything – or defeat if we use this asset inefficiently.

Combine, combine business with pleasure, do not search, but create novelty for yourself. And then everything will be just fine with you. And I advise you to start with the next vacation in Turkey. The winter holidays are just around the corner, so it’s worth thinking about right now.

I have found the secret of happiness for myself, which I wish you too!

Always yours, Tatiana Güneş

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